
Caffeine & the Keto Diet

Coffee is one of the worlds most popular drinks and it is clear to see why. Packed with the best dietary source of antioxidants it not only tastes great but can do wonders for your body. There is some ongoing research into the potential benefits in areas such as liver disease, heart disease, diabetes and even cancer!! But it is not without the downsides. Caffeine is highly addictive and most people can suffer from withdrawals which can lead to jitteriness, anxiety and sleep disruption. 

How can it affect Ketosis? 
The truth is it affects everyone differently. Ketosis can decrease insulin resistance which helps you to lose weight however caffeine can increase insulin resistance which makes weight loss harder so it can be counterproductive to your goals! For the best results we recommend that you switch to decaf drinks where possible while following the diet.

How much is too much?
Whilst following the Keto Diet we recommend decaf drinks in order to minimise disruption to Ketosis and help you to see the best results, this is a personal choice. Caffeine tolerance varies for each individual and whilst many people can continue to drink caffeine and be unaffected many people feel they need to switch to decaf to really see the benefits. If you are unsure about anything please feel free to contact us and we can help.

How is decaf different? 
Decaf coffee is simply ordinary coffee which has had around 97% of the caffeine removed. So it is not completely caffeine free but it is significantly reduced however it holds all of the same beneficial antioxidants and nutrients like magnesium, potassium, niacin and vitamin B3 as regular coffee. On top of that, it can help to reduce acid reflux symptoms in sufferers! And, most importantly, it has the same delicious taste!